The Group
Dirk Trauner

Our Research

Neuroscience and Photopharmacology

Neuroscience is one of the most exciting fields of research today and synthetic chemistry can contribute much to its development. Our current focus lies on the functional manipulation of ion channels, GPCRs, transporters, and enzymes with synthetic photoswitches, usually azobenzenes. The artificial photoreceptors so obtained can be inserted into neurons and other cell types and can be used to control various biological pathways with light (Photopharmacology). One of our major biological goals is the restoration of vision in the blind using synthetic photoswitches.

The reach of photopharmacology, however, goes well beyond applications in neuroscience and sensory physiology. It is already clear that this approach is very useful for controlling the highly dynamic systems that underlie cell motility, cell division, and unwanted proliferation. As such, photopharmacology provides powerful tools for cell biology and could open a new direction in precison medicine.

Chemical synthesiS, and natural product chemistry

A substantial part of our research program is dedicated to chemical synthesis and natural product chemistry. A list of natural products made in our group can be found here.

We are convinced that the vast majority of natural products have not yet been found and that a wealth of interesting chemistry and biology awaits discovery. As synthetic organic chemists, we are intrigued by the structural beauty and functional sophistication of these molecules. Through total synthesis, we gain insight into their mechanism of action and biosynthetic origin (e.g., through Biomimetic Synthesis). In addition, the total synthesis of complex natural products provides an ideal platform for the invention or discovery of new synthetic methodology or the validation of modern reactions in complex environments.

More thoughts on the future of natural product synthesis can be found here: “Finding Function and Form”. Also, check out our list of completed synthetic targets. And test your retrosynthetic skills and synthetic knowledge with our Denksport.

Another topic of interest to our group are certain types of highly symmetric hydrocarbons, such as polytwistane and carbon nanothreads. Some of these fascinating molecules were predicted by us and some have been realized experimentally through high-pressure chemistry, which we have added to our repertoire of synthetic methods.